About Coface

Our Vision

The most agile global trade credit partner in the industry

Our mission is to help companies throughout the world achieve their commercial ambitions, better control their profit and win market share by optimizing their credit cycle.
Global connected scale

A vision supported by values that we all share

Client Focus


Putting client satisfaction at the center of our business: offers, service levels and flexibility. Staying connected to the market: macro-eco, competition moves. Building and maintaining strong and durable relationships with brokers and partners.



Supporting and developing our historic expertise in underwriting, risk, sales, systems and processes as well as industry expertise by geography and sector. Strengthening our leadership and our people management.

Courage and Accountability

Mut und Verantwortung

Being accountable for our decisions and their consequences, striking the right balance between growth and risk, delegating, checking, monitoring the performance of our business lines, empowering of local teams by involving them in the strategic and budget processes, having the desire and the courage to innovate and try out new ideas.



Improving cooperation between functions, departments and countries; demonstrating a high level of transparency in our professional relations, understanding and valuing the contributions of all, celebrating our successes.



Exhibiting professional behavior based on trust, transparency, honesty and sincerity both within the company and towards our clients, partners and other stakeholders. This includes, for example strict observance of laws in force in the markets where we operate.

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