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06. 04. 2022
Firemné publikácie

Universal Registration Document 2021

URD Coface 2021

Coface publishes its 2021 Universal Registration Document and maintains its ambitions detailed in the Build to Lead Strategic plan.

75 years of experience and the finest territorial coverage have made Coface a reference in credit insurance and risk management.
Coface's experts, whose ambition is to become the most agile credit insurance partner in the industry, operate at the heart of the global economy, accompanying ~50,000 clients to develop successful, dynamic and growing businesses in 200 countries.







"In 2021, for the second year running, we operated in a complex and uncertain environment. The COVID 19 health crisis persisted in most countries around the world, along with successive lockdowns and the widespread shift to remote working. Government support measures were extended in many countries, including France, and this partially mitigated the impact of the crisis while also allowing for an economic rebound in some countries and sectors. As such, the number of corporate  insolvencies remained very low throughout the year, leading to a record low loss experience.

In this atypical economic and health situation, and with intense competition in our markets, we have supported our clients through the gradual and mixed  economic recovery. As a result, we achieved a very good operational and commercial performance. Our results reflect our careful risk management, combined with an active commercial underwriting policy and the rebound in our clients’ activity that we  have observed since the start of the year."



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