Coface launches new online product Business Finder
Interactive tool enables to find new target groups in Central and Eastern Europe
Coface continues its innovation strategy expanding its online offer to Business Finder,an interactive online tool that helps clients to easily find new business partners. With this service, Coface enables its clients to select new target groups from the largest database in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) with 30 million companies.
With Coface Business Finder, clients can find and reach new business partners, update and enrich their contact database, as well as analyze markets and competitors. The interactive service tool Business Finder makes use of the largest database in CEE, in which the companies have already been credit-checked by Coface to ensure the best possible quality.
“To grow their business, it’s important for customers that they can rely on a high quality database from which they can select up-to-date information on prospective customers. We are proud to launch this innovative online product to enable our customers to easily and efficiently search in the comprehensive InfoICON* database for their future business partners”, says Dorota Angotti, Regional Business Development Director for Services. Target groups can be selected by defining the location, sectors, company details, key financials, contacts and import/export countries.
Business Finder clients can take advantage of the following main benefits:
- Coverage: biggest database in Central and Eastern Europe with 30 million companies
- Quality: companies selected in Business Finder have been credit-checked by Coface
- Usability: interactive tool with unlimited possibility to set and change filters before purchase
- Customization: the selection can be changed for an unlimited number of times to fine-tune the target group
- Transparency: number of companies and pricing according to the set filters is shown during selection as-you-type
- Immediate results: the output file is being generated as soon as the purchase order has been placed
*Customers can access Business Finder on InfoICON, Coface’s online platform for Business Information, the same online marketplace where they order credit reports and monitoring services (