Launch of CofaMove application: CofaNet goes mobile
Coface now offers customers a mobile application providing access anywhere and at any time to the essential features of Cofanet, its online platform for managing credit insurance contracts. The application will be available for download at the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Dubbed CofaMove, this innovative application on the credit insurance market lets you take Coface's coverage information on the road with you. With this new tool always at hand, credit managers can improve their responsiveness with regard to risk taking and manage sales representatives on the move more easily. In turn, sales representatives become more effective in prospecting and negotiation.
The current features of CofaMove include company identification, coverage consultation, and ordering credit insurance products and are set to expand by the end of the year. The application is multilingual and will be available to some 40,000 Cofanet users at no additional cost.
"The launch of CofaMove is a new step in the journey of innovation on which we invite our customers and prospects, initiated in 2012 with TopLiner and recently continued with Easyliner and Policy/Cash Master. We are very attentive to the needs of our customers. This new tool meets a technological demand and opens up prospects for more responsive risk management on the ground. Through our integrated technical platform, our international customers can use this new tool on a global scale from day one", comments Patrice Luscan, the Group's Marketing and Strategy Director.
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